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2022 Wait Vineyard ‘Sandy Corner Block’ Shiraz

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2022 Wait Vineyard ‘Sandy Corner Block’ Shiraz

2022 Wait Vineyard ‘Sandy Corner Block’ Shiraz
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SKU: 22WVSCBShiraz

The Sandy Corner block was planted with Shiraz by Gary and his dad Eric in the mid 60’s. Originally bush vines, but then trellised onto a single cordon in the early 80s, with a second wire installed a few years later. Soil type is exactly as the block name suggests – Blewitt Springs sand. Compared to the Grenache, which is at the top of the hill and has a loamier soil, this little corner of the vineyard is almost like a little basin, at least 40-50m lower in elevation than the Grenache, and obviously over many, many years of run off all the sand has collected to give its token deep sand soil profile. We hear about this for Grenache in Blewitt Springs all the time but much less so with Shiraz. Robyn Wait, who currently manages the vineyard, helped her dad plant it when she was just a wee lass. This is a special place to grow grapes, but without the Wait’s perseverance over many years, this vineyard wouldn’t be what it is today. They deserve a lot of credit, and I consider myself pretty lucky to be able to source grapes from it. I’m really happy with this wine this year. They were the only barrels I had that I thought really deserved to be bottled by themselves this year.

85 6pks produced.

Wine Specs
Blewitt Springs

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